Wednesday, October 21, 2009


does nail polish expire? i found two chanel nail polishes in a box in my moms room and i know they are really old. id say maybe..8 years! yea i know, long time! one was red and the other is a nude color. is it ok to use them?

Nail polish doesn't expire-it will be fine to use them. My mum's had nail polish for yonks and i still use them, and they're fine. Maybe something that's like, 50 years old would be a bit dodgy, but 8 years is quite alright.
Reply:nail polish wont expire and its okay to use. But sometimes they dry out.
Reply:They don't expire like food would but some brands get hard and unusable after time. They should work. If theyre too liquidy or too chunky then they don't.
Reply:As long as they dont smell funny or have a wierd texture to them, they should be alright.
Reply:yeah they do get old, but not exactly "expire" lol...if they dont have chunks of stuff in there or they are not dried up, then they should be fine. and even if they do have chunks, you could pour a little nail polish remover in the bottle and shake it up and see if that makes it smoother....if not, they yeah they're too old to use.
Reply:check if there chunky.....
Reply:Are they like of sticky and thick, if they are, too bad, they expired.

Normally nail polishes should really expire if you store if properly(meaning in a room temperature, away from sunlight)
Reply:make sure there not dried up

and also shake them up b4 u use:]
Reply:yah they should be fine
Reply:I doubt nail polish expires, but I do know this over time it tends to get hard, the longer it isn't used. Hop This Helps
Reply:It's not so much that they expire.. but they get thick and dry out..and you really can't use them.


There are so many more beautiful and fun colors now, then there were years ago..

I'm sure your mom had lovely nail polishes..but why not try out some nice new fresh colors..

Take care and have a wonderful summer! :))

Reply:nail polish doesnt expire..u only throw it out wen it dries out or get really thick


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