Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Polish surnames?

what does the polish surname "Prybylski" mean. if it even has a meaning

Polish surnames?
Prybylski is missing a letter from the original...Przybylski.

Przybylski means "foundling" or "new arrival". The name comes primarily from the Posnan region, but also into the Warsaw area. You'd pronounce it "Sha BILL ski"
Reply:The above answer is totally WRONG NONSENSE; imagine a similar comment--

The name Smith comes primarily from Toronto region, but also in the Montreal area.

Also pronunciation is wrong. It should be closer--"pri-bil-ski". I wonder where this nonsense came from--sources? Report It

Reply:The ending SKI means FROM, thus Prybylski came from PRYBYL. It is possible to find a few small towns and villages with this name in the Eastern Europe.

"Prybyl" is not a Polish word, but it is of Slavic origin and it means "he came". I hope it helps.

Polish names vary widely by spelling. My uncle and all three of his brothers have slightly different last names, depending on who wrote it down when they immigrated here from Poland. The below may be helpful.

The name PRZYBYLO is spelled in Polish with a slash through the L, and is pronounced roughly "p'shih-BI-woe," where the middle syllable has the short I sound in "bit." It comes from a noun meaning "new arrival, newcomer," and is widespread all over Poland. As of 1990, according to the best data available (the Slownik nazwisk wspolczesnie w Polsce uzywanych, "Directory of Surnames in Current Use in Poland," which covers about 94% of the population of Poland), there were 2,744 Polish citizens by this name; 418 lived in the province of Krakow alone. The origin and meaning of the name itself offer nothing useful in the way of tracing ancestry.

Tracing your heritage in Poland is not the futile effort you might think. You'd be amazed at how many records survive in Poland; I routinely hear from people who've traced their families back to the 1700's. If you'd like to try doing some research in earnest, I recommend buying a copy of Rosemary Chorzempa's "Polish Roots." It's widely available, it's less than $20, and countless

people have told me they found it priceless in terms of the help it gave them in getting started.


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