Friday, March 12, 2010

How long is nail polish good?

they don't have an expiration date on the, how long can you keep polish? do you have polish that you've had for YEARS? have you ever added nail polish remover to make a favorite color last longer?

How long is nail polish good?
If you keep your nail polish in the refridgerator it can keep in good condition for up to three years. Depending on the brand. Some will only last about six months while I've found a brand that if you keep it in the fridge, it's lasted almost five years now!
Reply:I don't think there's an expiration date on nail polish. If there is then I've never seen it. The only way you can tell if the nail polish is expired is when it doesn't have the same shine, or color as it did when you first bought it.
Reply:Once it has been opened, it's good for about 6 months. after that it begins to seperate, and does not last as long when applied. You get more chips and scratching because the chemicals are breaking down. At least that's what my manicurist told me, and I found she's right.
Reply:Generally no more than 2 years- after that the polish get thicker, it's harder to apply it and the consistency changes. If you notice that, toss it. Otherwise it's ok to use it- nothing terrible will happen only it may start chipping faster.
Reply:the longest you should keep them would be about a year because after that, it gets all watery and doesn't stay good to the nail. Nail polish is cheap, so it shouldn't be a big deal.


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